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Albert Einstein and chart analysis

In this article we would try and analyze the chart of Albert E

Below is the chart of the greatest mind on earth Albert E. who discovered the formula E=MC2. Chart is rising with Mithuna lagna natural 3rd house of hands and chest and the lagnesh is Mercury in 10th house of Karma with Saturn,Venus and Sun. At the first sight we find that Mercury the lagnesh is Neecha but also we find that Venus is exalted hence there is a Neecha Bhanga for Mercury.

5th lord is Venus with 9th lord Saturn hence there is a good yoga in this chart as 5th denotes intelligence and 9th denotes high learning. Jupiter the lord of the 7th house is also placed in the 9th house and it is in Kendra to the Moon and also we find that the same Jupiter is also in the 12th from Sun(Vosi Yoga)..

Saturn.Venus and Ketu are in trines to each other and this is called as Tapasvi Yoga(yoga for determination) and out of these 3 planets two planets are placed in the 10th house which denotes that he will be determined with respect to work and his profession..

We all know that he formula has let to creation of atomic bomb which has got the capacity to destroy an entire country. See his Rahu(Bombs) and Mars(fire and energy) placed in the 8th house(house of death).

Jupiter even though is great Rajayoga for him it is hemmed between two malefics. Jupiter is the planet of wisdom. Understand that if the planet of wisdom is hemmed between two great malefics what effect it has bought. He used his wisdom to create an atomic bomb which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki and also will destroy the entire world.We humans are always in the brink of death.

6th lord Mars in 8th house with Rahu is not good as said earlier. Even though 6th lord in 8th house generates VRY and this yoga has created bad effects in the chart. He was recognised as creator of bomb which can wipe out entire earth in few minutes.

2nd house denotes speech and here the lord is Moon badly placed in the sign of Vrischika which is his house of Neecha hence here we can say that he had some difficulty in talking..

5th lord of Love is placed in the 10th house of karma hence here we find that Albert was very romantic during his life time.AL and A7 are in 6/8 axis to each other hence we can say that there will be lot of rejections for him with respect to his relationships..

AL being in the kanya rasi and the lord Mercury being Neecha with Neecha bhanga denotes a high social standing for him. He was recognized world over for his outstanding contribution to Science of relativity..

7th lord of Jupiter of the rasi chakra is placed in the sign of Kumbha(natural house of badhaka) and here Jupiter also denotes the karaka for children. Hence he had issues with his children(not close to his children). 7th house of the D9 chart is empty but Mars and Venus are aspecting this house by graha dristi(7th house aspect) hence he married twice(Maric and Mileva)...

First marriage Jan 6 1903 and the dasa operating was Venus-Rahu-Saturn...Here we find that Rahu is yuti with the UL(first Marriage) and Saturn aspects the 7th house(first spouse) and also in the Navamsa Rahu is aspecting the 7th house of the D9 chart hence the antardasa of Rahu bought the first Spouse.

Second marriage in the year 1919 and here we find that Sun which was operating as Mahadasha and here we find that Sun is placed in the 4th house from 7th house which denotes that the 2nd spouse would be some associate with his family and here we find that his 2nd spouse was his cousin...

He cheated both on his spouses till his death which was 18th April 1955. and the dasa periods is that of Rahu and Mars. as these both planets are in the 8th house aspecting his 2nd house(Karkataka) the house of death..Circumstances of death is seen in the 3rd from AL, His 2nd house lord is Moon Neecha in Vrischika the house of secrecy or internal organs and the lord is Mars placed in the 8th from lagna...Moon denotes blood or some blood related issues. He died of abdominal aortic aneurysm which is enlargement of a specific Aorta which supplies blood to the lower abdominal region.


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