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7th house from Arudha lagna(AL7)

We all know that 7th house is very important house in Jyotish as this is the door to the outside world. This is the house where relationship establishes and it is the place where the native gets in touch with his partners be it his spouse or business partners. Hence this house is very important.

7th is the Maraka house apart from 2nd house as these are considered the house of death from lagna and this house is also considered the dwara(as the soul comes and goes through this door).

The same rule can be applied to the 7th house from arudha lagna as our image has to rise from this door.Benefics are very good here but Malefics are not welcomed in this house.

Malefics here will spoil the image of the native through negative means. 7th is considered as the kendra and this is the house of Vishnu and this is the house of creation and the karaka for this house is Venus.

In order to understand how this house plays a role we need to see the planets in the 7th house from Arudha lagna and also the lord of the 7th house from Arudha lagna.

Depending on the planets in the 7th from arudha lagna we need to check as to what needs to be done in order to get success.

If malefics are placed here then praying to the deity(in shakthi form) is important for the door to open and if benefics are placed here then there is no issue as benefics are good to be here.Jupiter and Moon are considered good as it will ensure that the native lives in the hearts of the people even after he leaves this mortal plane.

Placement of the 7th lord from the Arudha lagna has also to be seen as the sign placement will give us a clue as to in which direction the native will get success. Exalted planets are good as they are happy to give success to the native.

Chart example:

Below chart is that of Mahatma Gandhi and here we find that Ketu is placed in the 7th from Arudha lagna. There is a Parivartana Yoga between Saturn and Ketu and Ketu in the sign of Saturn and Saturn in the sign of Ketu. Ketu will act as if he is like Saturn hence we need to treat Ketu as Saturn as if he is 7th from Arudha lagna.

This shows that Gandhi had to use all sorts of measures to ensure that his image is known to the world. Saturn denotes austerity,being very stubborn. Mahatma gandhi was not easily recognized as he had to push his way in order to ensure that the doors to the world is open to him. Placement of Saturn from arudha lagna gives such outcome. We all know that Gandhi did fasting to ensure that his word is kept....Ketu denotes mutiny in the sense that he had to work as an soldier and ensure that things are done as per his wish..

Hence we can see how important is the planet in the 7th from Arudha lagna.

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah||||



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