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6th house from Arudha lagna(AL6)

This is the house of destruction. 6th house is the house of Disease,Service,Servants and enemies. 6th is a bad house or Dusthana and the natural karaka for the 6th house is Saturn.Planets placed in the 6th from lagna tends to destroy our body through enmity and disease. Hence it is very important to understand this house even from Arudha lagna point of view also.

Just like 3rd house from arudha lagna gives us courage the same applies to 6th from arudha lagna. 6th house from arudha lagna is a tamasic house hence any malefic planets tend to give the native courage to fight his enemies.

Whereas Benefics in this house they tend to become weak. 3rd and 6th house from Arudha lagna are good for those who would like to join armed forces. We know that 3rd and 6th from arudha lagna are the houses of Upachaya(Growth).Hence all those native who are genius most of those charts we find that 3rd lord and 6th lord conjoin the lagna lord or placed in the lagna giving them a yoga termed as Dhimanta Yoga(Dhi denotes Intelligence) and the karaka for Dhi shakthi is Jupiter.

Sattvic planets are never good in the Tamasic houses. We can understand this concept by looking at a chart of a native who has this combination and also the outcome of such planetary placements.

If benefic planets like Jupiter,Moon,Venus and Mercury when placed in the 6th from Lagna native is freed from the torment of the enemies .

But if the same planets are placed in the 6th from Arudha lagna then the native is tormented by the enemies and such natives have to pray to the lord of the 6th house from arudha lagna and also the planetary deities placed in such house.

Natural malefics in the 6th house gives lot of goodies to the native during its periods where the same does not apply to benefic planets even though they are exalted..

Chart example:

This is the chart of India and here we find that Jupiter is placed in the 6th house from Lagna. When we go back to history we see that India was plundered by enemies and India was under slavery for almost few hundred years. We where attacked by Foreigners and Muslim Rulers who took away everything we had and also most of our heritages. But inspite of their effort they could not win over India as Jupiter is placed in the 6th house and India has the power of thousand elephants withstanding any brutality.

But the same 6th from arudha lagna is empty hence there is no direct enemies for us. Jupiter is aspecting the 6th house(kumbha rasi) from Arudha lagna and the lord is Rahu sitting in Taurus in the lagna of the India. This gives a direct clue as to who ruled our country for many years. Rahu is a foreigner...

In the year 2002 the Libra Maha Narayana dasa was operating and it was BJP government which came to power. Jupiter denotes Lotus flower.Again in the Taurus antara in the Major period of Libra we find that UPA government came into power as Rahu is the lagna associated with Taurus

Narayana dasa Timeline:

Narayana Dasa of D-1 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Li MD: 2002-08-15 (2:08:27) - 2011-08-15 (9:33:00)

Ta AD: 2004-02-11 (12:56:42) - 2004-11-14 (4:24:11)

Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namah|||



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