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5th house

In this article we will discuss about the 5th house which is also called as house of past life deeds or Poorva Punya . These can be either good or bad and depending on the planets placed over there we say what is native life direction after marriage as 5th house is also the house of children and when counted from the 7th house the 5th will be 11th and here 11th house is all about desire of having children after marriage

The other important thing to note about 5th house is that it is also the house of mantra and also the house of knowledge. The natural 5th house is Leo and this sign is a fixed sign governed by Siva and it is a fiery sign also and also it is about power and authority

When analyzing the 5th house we have to consider the following:

1)5th lord

2)Planets in this house

3)Planets aspecting the 5th house

4)The karaka for the 5th house

Sun is the planet owing this house and it is its Moolatrikona house and also its own house. There is no other grahas owning a single house like Sun as all other planets except Moon owns two houses in the entire zodiac

5th lord should not be malefic in nature as it is very adverse for the finances as the 5th house has argala(intervention) on the 4th house and here Sun is a krura graha and not a papa graha and this argala can cause unhappiness in the natives life

If the 5th lord is a natural malefics it is better to be placed in dusthanas like 6,8,12 and also the 3rd house

When the 5th lord has aspects by graha or rasi dristi it will give results during its dasa period

Graha dristi is temporary and will only work when the dasa operates whereas rasi dristi is permanent and will work through out our life. Rasi is all about resources

Every graha has aspects on the 7th house permanently whereas on other bhavas it depends on the planet

Sun has dristi on the 7th house

Moon has dristi on the 7th house

Venus has dristi on the 7th house

Mercury has dristi on the 7th house

Mars has dristi on the 7th,4th and 8th hoiuse

Jupiter has dristi on the 7th,5th and 9th house

Saturn has dristi on the 7th,3rd and 10th house

Ketu has no dristi as it does not have eyes

Rahu has dristi on the 7th,5th,9th,2nd and 12th house

Rasi dristi means all Movable signs have rasi dristi on the fixed signs

All fixed signs have rasi dristi on Movable signs

All dual signs have rasi dristi on dual signs

As said earlier the 5th house is called as Mnatra bhava and depending on the lord or the planets placed here we can say which devata the native is inclined to pray or use his or her mantra


Moon-Uma or Pravati



Jupiter-Guru or any Guru mantra

Venus-Laxmi or Ssci

Saturn-Bramha or Narayana



Do not use any mantra with respect to the 5th house if it is having any bad relationship with the lagna lord

Natural benefics do not obstruct the birth of the children

Venus or Moon in the 5th house give many children

Saturn or Mars in the 5th house gives female children

Jupiter can give less children

If the the house is cancer or aquarius where Jupiter gets exalted children are denied as the rule of KARAKA BHAVA NASAYA IS APPLICABLE

When we talk about children which are connected to 5th house we have to D7 varga chakra also and the final results is announced only after checking this varga chakra

Child is adopted if the 5th house signs are associated with that of Mercury or Saturn. Rahu, Saturn or Mercury can deny children totally and also Rahu involvement can also deny children

If Jupiter in the 5th is with 6th lord then children are aborted as 6th is maraka for the 5th house and we have to check the next antar dasa

The sex of the child has to be determined by the lord of the sign ruiling the pregnancy. If the lord is exalted or with male planets like Sun,Rahu,Jupiter,Mars it will be male child and if the lord is debiliated and with female planets like Moon,Venus,Ketu then it will be famale child

If the lord of the pregnancy is neither exalted or debiliated or with any of the planets then we have see in which sig it is placed and then determine the sex of the child

All odd signs except Aquarius and Gemini are male birth while all even signs except Cancer and Pisces are female births

The Maha dasa lord operating should have subha argala on the lord of the saptmansa lagna or obstruct papa argala then only child birth occur during the dasa of the planet

The antar dasa should have some relationship with the lord of the pregnancy or it should be in trines,7th or 12th from it and finally the Pratyantara dasa is that of a planet in trines to the Saptmansa lagna which brings the child to the world



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