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4th House from Arudha lagna(AL4)

4th house is the house of creation as it is the natural house connected to Moon(Shakthi). Moon is Rajasic graha hence the image of the person is more inclined towards his home and community.4th house being quadrant house planets placed in the 4th from the arudha lagna will give us a clue as to how a native is perceived from his assets point of view.When we say assets everything which is movable and immovable are to be considered.

Hence planets which gives wealth like Jupiter,Venus,Moon when placed in 4th from Arudha lagna gives an impression on the native as to whether he is rich or poor.

While Arudha lagna ensures how our image is in the society in the same way 4th from arudha lagna gives us a clue as to how we are perceived from the 4th house point of view.

Venus and Moon have digbala in this house so when Venus and Moon are in the 4th from the arudha lagna it is a clear cut indication that such natives are blessed with lots of assets at his disposal.

Malefics planets like Rahu,Saturn,Mars(until and unless they are placed in their own houses or in their mooltrikona signs) cannot be placed here as they to destroy the image of the native associated with his assets.

Chart example:This is the birth chart of Priyanka chopra a bollywood actress and in her chart we find that Moon is exalted in the 4th from Arudha lagna and this denotes that she spends most of her money in buying assets like houses and lands..

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1 Comment

Rajeshri Patel
Rajeshri Patel
Jan 21, 2022

Sir how about Venus retro from AL6 ?



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