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3rd house from Arudha lagna(AL3)

3rd house is the house of Parakrama and it is a Tamasic house as the karaka for this house is Mars. Mars denotes fightings,battles,wars and aggression.

Mars is an agni tattwa graha and also Mars is Bhumikaraka where we human beings lead of our life.

Malefics like Saturn,Mars and Rahu when placed in this house will make the native courageous and the native is known for his harsh behaviour..Such native who have the malefic planets in the 3rd house (AL3) do good in the areas where lot of strength and valor are required.

Whereas benefics like Moon,Mercury,Jupiter when placed in this house makes the native timid and such natives do believe in ahimsa. If these planets are exalted in these houses then native has spiritual in nature and they tend to move out of the society

Beneficial planets in the 3rd house like Jupiter,Moon ensure that the native is blessed with lot of younger sibling as 3rd is also the house of younger siblings(children born to the same parents).

3rd and 6th house from the AL3 denotes accidents and the circumstances of death.

Hence malefics here do not do well when coming to death circumstances where as if benefics are here then the death is peaceful and natural..

Moon in this houses causes Kapha related problems Mars in this houses denotes cuts and burns Saturn denotes airy type of disease being the cause of death Ketu here denotes disease which is contagious in nature Mandi here denotes poison or bites from reptiles Venus denotes urinary and kidney related diseases Jupiter denotes those disease where a native loses the ability to eat

When two great gurus Jupiter and Venus are in the 3rd from arudha lagna native is blessed to know upfront as to what is happening around him whether good or bad.

Less malefics in the 3rd house from Arudha lagna gives rajayoga.

The same concept can be applied from the UL to know how many siblings our spouse has...

If the 3rd house is a beneficial house then we can say that the death will occur in those places which are good in nature and surroundings..

The below chart is the of Sridevi a great Bollywood actress who died mysteriously when she attended a get together in a foreign country. Arudha lagna is in Meena rasi with the rasi lord well placed in its own house and retrograde. Moon in the 3rd house from the Arudha lagna is exalted. Here we find that Moon is exalted which is good for the native as Moon is the lord of the 5th house(sustenance) and being placed in the 3rd house denotes that it would sustain the image of the native in a soft manner.3rd house also denotes that she would have an younger siblings and a clue to this is to check the lord of the 3rd house from arudha lagna and see how many signs it has crossed. Here we find that it has crossed two signs hence she will be blessed with 2 siblings. Moon is a Jala tattwa graha placed in a Jala tattwa rasi .

Coming to her death we need to know that 3rd house denotes the circumstances of death and 8th from arudha lagna and 8th from lagna denotes the distance where the death would occur. Here Moon(water) in the sign of Tula and the lord of the Tula Venus in the movable sign denotes that the native death would occur far of place. She died in Dubai(UAE)..Moon being placed in the 3rd from Arudha lagna showed the circumstances of the death as Drowning(water) in a bath tub(Moon in libra sign and the lord of Venus). Here Venus denotes luxury items...

Let us check in what dasa she passed away...The period was Sat-Sat-Sun...In her chart Saturn is occupying the 7th house(Maraka house) and Sun is her 2nd house lord which is again a maraka graha...and here shookma dasa was of Venus which is badhakesa graha placed for her lagna(Karkataka). Here Rudra planet was Saturn and when she left this mortal world...


Om Vyam Vyasa Devaya Namaha|||



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