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"2024 Horoscope: What Can Taurus Moon Sign and Ascendant Expect this Year?"

A brief analysis has been attempted in this article for those natives who are born in Taurus lagna or have Moon in the sign of Taurus.

Taurus is the natural 2nd house of the kalapurusha as it is 2nd house from the Aries sign and here Venus is the lord of this sign and Moon gets exalted in this sign. The stars which are part of this sign are Kritika-3 Rohini-4 Mrigasira-2 and here Rohini whose lord is Moon gets exalted here.

\2nd house denotes the following:

Bull is the anmial

Fixed sign





how you interact with the outside world

In the month of May 1st 2024 Jupiter entered Taurus and will be there till May 14 2025 and some point of time it will be retrograde motion..during the months of Oct 9 2024 till Feb 4 2025 and once again it will get connected to Rohini star


Jupiter is not friendly to the sign Taurus and its lord Venus as Venus and Jupiter are two great gurus but they have their own views Jupiter is all about moral values and Venus is all about luxuiries and also for Taurus Jupiter is the lord of the 8th house hence for Taurus sign or Taurus ascendant Jupiter is a malefic graha


Jupiter aspets the 5th,7th and 9th from itself hence when Transiting the sign Taurus it will aspets your 5th house the house of poorvaponya , the house of mantras while its aspets on the 7th house which is the sign of Scorpio and natural 8th house Jupiter when aspects this sign of transformation and occult activies. Here we should note that Saturn is also aspecting the same sign hence this is considered as a double transit.

Doors will open for you and your image will increase

spouse or partners will do good for you

higher studies will benefi for you

People of Taurus lagna will try to travel to a foreign country

Father will get some benefits

Guru or teachers will also benefit during this transit

Friends and desires will benefit you

Sudden income and inherihance will be onthe books

Note that during this transit when the dasa of these two planets are also operating then such natives should be careful

If Taurus is your Moon sign then Jupiter transit is not so good for you as it would be your Janma rais. Check the points given in this sign and also check in which Murti this Jupiter is whether there are any vedhas on the Jupiter by other planets.

If Jupiter is transiting Loha murthi with less points then life will be difficult during this transit. Expenditure will increase

Check the Navatara chakra along with the dasa period activated as this also will have good or bad effecct. For example you are in Maha dasa or antar dasa is that of Jupiter and if the Navatara is that of pratyak,vadha,Vipat,pratyari then be careful as it will give bad results. Praying or reciting mantras or doing donation relating to Jaggery is recommended


Be calm

Do meditation

Dont overindulge in luxuries

Pray to lord Visnu

Dont eat Junk food

People who have Jupiter i the sig of Pisces will suffer due to the transit of Jupiter in Taurus...Specially those people who are born with Vrischika lagna rising such natives will face marriage related issues or may even there will be a possibility of divorce...




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