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1. Exploring the Wisdom of Jaimini Sutras: A Beginner's Guide

Following Sutras are important and needs to understood to analyze the outcome of planetary placemets

1) KARTA: Here Karta means doer. Any planet aspecting or Joining the Ascendant,Hora lagna(HL) or Ghatika Lagna(GL) in the rasi chakra or Navamsa or Drekkana charts are KARTAS. Such planets which become Karta can do different in native life and brings developmet in the life of the native. If the karta is associated with Lagna then there is a self developmet and if the karta is associated with Hora laga then improve in finances and if associated with Ghatika(GL) then power and authority is guaranteed for the native

Kevala: If the subhadipati(Moon dispositor) aspects or joins the Jama Lagna (Or HL or GL) it is termed as Kevala.If Kevala aspects both the Jama Laga and Hora lagna and also the Ghatika Lagna then it is called as Kevala Yogaa. If the Kevala aspects all these three then it is called as Kevala Maha yogada

Yogada: Yoga means Union and a planet aspecting or conjoining the Lagna or GL or HL then such planet becomes Yogada and this planet is capable of taking the native to heights but if this planet aspects only the Lagna or with Lagna then it will lead to self improvement and if it is with GL or aspect it then power and authority is guranteed and if the Yogada aspects or aspects HL then native is financially very strong

A perfect Rajayoga requires the aspect to the Lagna,HL or GL in either rasi,Navamsa or Drekkana. If the aspect of the Yogada or joining these three points as mentioned above is reduced then the levelof Rajayoga decreases

For powerful Rajayoga the lagna,Hora lagna and Ghatika Lagna or their 7th house should be aspected by one planet. If the planet fails to aspect either one of the three the Rajayoga is reduced and if it fails to aspect or join two of the three points then Rajayoga is even weaker

The nature of the Yogada and the nature of the planets aspecting the Yogada planet will change the outcome of such Yoga. Sun will give reputation and moral values while Moon ensures reputation and mental strength and Mars gives daring and physical strength, Mercury gives oratory abilities and relatives who come to our help while Jupiter gives wisdom and learning while Venus gives good looks and luuries. Rahu gives a chance to move abroad and ketu gives wrong assocation with people.

Jupiter becomes Yogadaa then Rajayoga comes through the elevation of other or voluntary renunciation by the superior while Saturn causes a downfall of the superior. Rahu gives Rajayoga by way of Scandal or spoiling the reputation of others while Ketu does it with revolt or war, Mars will destroy the very existence of competition.

Sun being the centre of our universe it is important that the strength of Sun has to be checked for this Raja Yoga to sustain while Moon helps the native to be recognised in the society.

Luxury of the Vehicles is related to Venus,Mars and Ketu in mutual aspect or conjunction or in 3rd or 11th forms Vatanika Yoga. Vaitanika means luxuries

If the 2nd,4th,5th,8th,9th bhavas from the Arudha lagna are conjoined or aspected by benefics then Raja Yoga is gaurantee

Malefics in the 3rd and 6th from Arudha lagna gives similar results

Rajayoga is indicated by planets from the lord of the Arudha lagna or its 7th house

Mied planets reduces the Rajayoga. Benefics should be in 2nd,4th,5th,8th,9th houses and malefics in 3rd or 6th houses but if these are mixed up then Rajayoga effect is reduced

Financial difficults are predicted during the period of benefics in 3rd and 6th house and malefics in 2nd,4th,th,8th and 9th house

If Jupiter,Venus or the Moon is placed in the 5th house from Arudha lagna or its 7th house then government or politcal authorityis obtained.

Person Joins the armed forces if malefics are in 3rd and 6th house

Native is very strong when the lord of the lagna aspects the lagna and if the lord of the 2nd or 7th aspects or with the lagna then native aspires for wealth and if the 10th lordjoins or aspects then native will aspire for becoming famous in his society

When we find planets in 2nd/12th or 5th/9th or 6th/8th or 3rd/11th or 4th/10th either from lagna or Arudha lagna then it results in BANDHANA YOGA

BANDHANA YOGA can happen either to lagna where the native is physicall imprisoned while from Arudha lagna loss of reputation and setback and if from Atma karaka then its results in restrictions with respect to spiritual growth

Benefics aspecting Bandhana yoga the troubles are temporary while malefics aspecting it indicates punishment like beating or being jailed

to be continued


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